Southeast Asia is a country where only slippers are worn throughout the country, which is called "flip-flops" paradise!
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Southeast Asia is a country where only slippers are worn throughout the country, which is called "flip-flops" paradise!

Views: 98     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-25      Origin: Site

Now, our aesthetic and fashion concepts have changed. Many people wear light clothes and pants for travel most of the time. The exquisite point is leather shoes with unique designs. Most of them are flat shoes and sports shoes. Slippers are generally at home. Or they are worn in the summer, but rarely appear on formal occasions. However, there is such a country in the world where they go everywhere with a pair of slippers regardless of gender or occasion.

We generally think that wearing slippers to meet people is a bit disrespectful, but when you arrive in this Southeast Asian country, you must learn the habits of the locals. You can temporarily put aside the stereotypes. You don't need to prepare any sports shoes, a pair of sandals and slippers. It's easy to get it done. This country is Myanmar, which is said to be the only country that only wears slippers.

Myanmar is a country with profound traditional cultural heritage and a country with a history of thousands of years. It is located in the Southeast of Asia and borders our country’s Tibet. It covers an area of approximately 670,000 square kilometers and has a population of 52 million. It is worth mentioning that most of them believe in Buddhism and are very religious.


It is because most people in this country believe in Buddhism, so almost all the places they go are the carvings and recitations of Buddhist scriptures. Traditional Buddhist-style buildings account for most of them. It is a good place for friends who like Buddhism.

However, it is precisely because of their trust in Buddhism that they will go to Zen and worship Buddha whenever they have free time, and they are not allowed to wear shoes when entering the house. Most of them walk into the room barefoot. Over time, the Burmese people think that wearing shoes to enter the temple is disrespectful to the Buddha. You can't even wear socks and must be barefoot.

Therefore, with the development of the times, shoes must be taken off in activities such as entering temples and taking off shoes when returning home. This has become a habit in the hearts of Myanmar people, whether it is a national cadre or a figure. The ordinary people have maintained the habit of taking off their shoes. Even participating in activities, such as marriage, will choose to wear slippers, but will choose the best looking pair to wear. Therefore, in the Myanmar market, slippers are sold the most. Many shoes and sports shoes are seen. If you really want to sell other types of shoes, you will really lose money and no one will buy them.


In Myanmar, slippers are worn for men and women. In certain important activities, they will wear the kind of flip-flops with toes. They will also wear a skirt for some men and women. The styles and patterns are the same, but Men's skirts are called "cage bases" and women's are called "temin". This kind of clothing collocation has become a characteristic of the Burmese people.

This kind of skirt worn by both men and women is very common in Myanmar and is very practical. For example, chefs can use skirts as aprons. In summer, they can repel mosquitoes. They can also be used to wipe sweat when they sweat.

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