How To Choose The Best Flip-Flops For Your Adventures?
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How To Choose The Best Flip-Flops For Your Adventures?

Views: 74     Author: ORIES     Publish Time: 2018-12-17      Origin: Site

Consider what you'll be doing and where you'll be going in your anti-skid Outdoor Flip-Flop. Are you going to be using them more in an urban setting, wandering miles of foreign streets while tasting strange foods and getting lost on purpose? Or will you be taking your flops beyond there recommended applications (as most of us do), using them on rocky trails or granite slabs? If you're into water sports, your flops will need good traction to prevent you from slipping all over the deck or falling on wet rocks. Flip-flops that are good for hiking might not be your cup of tea stylistically as they sometimes have padded straps or thicker tread. If you spend most of your time in town, narrowing in on the more stylish flops probably makes the most sense.

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Choosing Your Activity

Most of the flops we tested in this review share some common themes: they are well built with a comfortable fit and a sole that provides good traction. That being said, our testers all agreed that choosing your flip-flop based on your activity is a sure way to end up satisfied. For this reason, we've broken down activities into three categories and highlighted which sandals excelled in which activity and in which metrics. The activity categories we chose to judge these sandals by are urban use, water activities, and hiking.


Urban Use

The urban category fits people who wear their flip flops every day, regardless of whether it's on pavement or not. These folks might prefer a more stylish flip-flop and care less about its stability or traction. Comfort is, of course, something that is of utmost importance regardless of your activity, so city dwellers will want to choose a flip-flop that keeps their feet happy after pounding miles of concrete sidewalks.


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Water Activities

For our outdoor flip flops enthusiasts whose priority is water sports, we look for the Outdoor Sandals Slipper with the best traction and stability when wet. We can all agree that V strap Outdoor Flip-Flop  may not be the best water shoes, but it is also well known that flip-flops diehards are going to wear them in any situation, whether it makes the most sense or not. So we might as well figure out which flops are the best. Traction when wet, a thong that stays snug and doesn't loosen when wet with a quick drying material make for the best water-sports flops. 



Whether it's carrying a surfboard to the break or a backpack to the crag, you're going to need a flop that offers some arch support and actually stays on your foot. If you're looking to get off the sidewalk with your flip flops, which most of our reviewers are focused on, then you're going to want to pay special attention to this category. Traction, stability, and durability are all super important to those looking to use flip flops for purposes slightly more extreme than recommended. Flip flops that excel in this category should be durable, rugged and packable, whether that be in a backpack or clipped to a harness. 

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